
ecosoft pink 100 water-softener under sink

Water Softener Maintenance 101 – Essential Tips to Extend its Life

Having a water softener in a Irish home is a true luxury. It banishes the dreaded hard water gremlins, leaving you with soft, luxurious water that makes everything from cleaning to showering a breeze. But just like any other appliance, your water softener needs a little upkeep to keep it functioning at its best. This

Water Softener Maintenance 101 – Essential Tips to Extend its Life Read More »


DRS and Beyond: Your Guide to a Plastic-Free Hydration

The recent introduction of the Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in Ireland is a significant step forward in our fight against plastic pollution. While the scheme has undoubtedly encouraged recycling, it hasn’t fully addressed the broader issue of single-use plastic consumption. A recent news article from RTE reports 65 million in euros have remained unclaimed since

DRS and Beyond: Your Guide to a Plastic-Free Hydration Read More »

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